March 27, 2009

Meet Jasper

I am now a proud cat parent. I shall call him Jasper. He is approximately nine months old, soft as bunny fur and currently hiding under my bed. No amount of coaxing it working, not even ice cream! We went to the vet as soon as we left the shelter. Everything is okay, but I have to collect a stool sample, and I haven't seen one yet... That, by the way, will make for a fantastic post. Welcome the little guy to his new abode.

March 19, 2009

San Antonio

Don't Mess With Texas

I arrived in San Antonio on Tuesday. Since my trip began I've visited a wild animal park. A zebra stuck its head in my sister's Jeep for kiblet. We also witnessed the demise of abusive ostriches. If it wasn't for ranch hands keeping them under control, I'm quite confident a small child would have lost a finger.

Today, we went to the Alamo. It isn't what I thought it would be. Although it is impressive for what it is, I was expecting something on a more massive scale. We took the tourist trolley to Market Square where we had the most amazing lunch. The wait of 45 minutes was completely worth it. We also toured a Mexi-Mart. Apparently the hot import at the moment are wrestling masks. I'm unsure how I feel about this trend. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Last, but not least I was waiting in the check-out with my mom and sister when I looked down and saw this reptile in the cart. I thought it was fake until it winked at me. Amazing. You don't see this every day.